A Tale of a Bowl and a Ladle
by Michael Ende
Adaptation: Tanya Georgieva
Director: Iroslav Petkov
Stage design: Mara Ibrishimova
Music: Gergana Vasileva
The tale tells of two kingdoms separated by a high mountain. A mountain so high that no one can climb it.
He can't or doesn't want ...
We can say that the story is about soup and scoop, which are not ordinary objects. "Once the scoop has been stirred into the soup, it is filled with the most delicious and satisfying soup that anyone can wish for. And it never ends as much as hungry people pour into it. "Only that the kingdom on the right side of the mountain has a soup, and the left kingdom has a ladle.
How to get together ...
We can also say that the story is about Prince Sophian and Princess Praline, who fall in love at the top of the hill ...
What is the end of our story - see for yourself.