Creative laboratory "Without roots" started with emigrant stories from Mission Wings Foundation

The 13th creative laboratory "Without roots" with leaders Veselka Kuncheva,
Marieta Golomehova and Milen Apostolov began with emigrant stories from
Mission Wings Foundation. Within a few hours, the participants got acquainted with
the personal destinies of people who have lost their roots and with people dedicated to helping them
to preserve their lives and dignity while finding their way of salvation.
"No matter how miserable and miserable they look, rootless people are
incredibly strong, as long as someone shows them this," said Diana Dimova and
Raina Dimitrova from the "Mission Wings" Foundation. The two truly believe it is good
to stand close to broken people because they know best how to stick together.
The most important thing is to see these people as equals. Highly traumatized people are
painfully sensitive and catch in the air every nuance of attitude towards
them. How we tell these people's stories is extremely important, Yahia also said
Homsi, who is a refugee from Syria. He received Bulgarian this year
citizenship and is part of the Foundation's team. "We sincerely entrust you with ours
messages," Diyana Dimova and Raina Dimitrova said at the end of the meeting, as
emphasized that they see themselves as a bridge between the two worlds of people without

Three directors with three scenographers and three actors will work until 3
August in the Puppet Theater in Stara Zagora. Each team has chosen a different way to
explores how one loses one's roots. Some will explore human addictions,
others the severance of their roots, because of wars, and the third will work on
the dehumanization based on Dostoevsky. The three directors are Kareena-
Velislava Somnoeva, Hrista Petkova and Burhan Kerim. They will work with
stage designers Tina Todorova, Iveta Mileva and Maria Koleva.
According to Veselka Kuncheva, creative laboratories are one of the most important
events in the theater world, because in this format you can safely
experiment without looking for a result. The Staro Zagora Puppet Theater is for her
oasis thanks to which she started these laboratories.
The screening of the three projects will be on August 3 at 7 p.m. in the hall of the Puppet Theater.

The creative laboratory "Without Roots" is realized under a project financed by
"Culture" program of Stara Zagora Municipality.

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